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The Lake House 6007 West Lake Rd., Geneseo, NY

Join me… -Retreat from daily distractions. -Delve into the stillness of your mind. -Let the door behind this world open and… -Look past this door to the world that reflects the LOVE OF GOD… COME AS YOU ARE, NO NEED TO PREPARE YOURSELF... Register Now The [...]



Valle Sagrado, Cuzco, NY

A journey of initiation and discovery into the sacred mountains of Perú.



Quarry Arts Building Mendota Movement Room 170, Madison, WI

CULTIVATING AWARENESS THRU GENTLE MOVEMENT AND CONTEMPLATION Take some time out of your busy schedule to quiet the mind and delve deep inside. Using the body as an instrument to connect within, we will tune in and tap into our inherent, natural and vibrant self. The afternoon will include: -Gentle, Conscious movements. -Finding silence in [...]



Quarry Arts Building Mendota Movement Room 170, Madison, WI

CULTIVATING AWARENESS THRU GENTLE MOVEMENT AND CONTEMPLATION Take some time out of your busy schedule to quiet the mind and delve deep inside. Using the body as an instrument to connect within, we will tune in and tap into our inherent, natural and vibrant self. The afternoon will include -Gentle, Conscious movements. -Finding silence in [...]


Sparking the Great Rays-Part One

A COURSE IN MIRACLES LOOK AT THE GREAT RAYS “When a mind has only light, it knows only light. Its own radiance shines all around it, and extends out into the darkness of other minds, transforming them into majesty”. This class requires your registration. Click here. Buy Now

Sparking the Great Rays -Part two

A COURSE IN MIRACLES LOOK AT THE GREAT RAYS Join me for a a 2 part class to delve into Master Jesus’  “Great Rays” throughout A Course in Miracles. Learn to apply the practice of the healing aspect of your mind to shine utilizing the full spectrum of this universal light that you are. “When a mind has only light, it knows only light. Its own [...]